CHRIP - Cooling HIgh Reliability Pump

• Project centers around designing, prototyping and testing a high reliability liquid pump for application in liquid cooling high heat semiconductors in data centers.

• Working with Comsol Multiphysics and Ansys to simulate how environment conditions like shock vibration and temperature effect pump reliability.

• Using Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) to create meshes and run simulations on virtual machines.

• I recruit and lead team of 2-5 undergraduates per quarter for continued assistance on project testing while providing them with mentorship and real-world hands on engineering experience.

• Mentoring undergraduate student team members to receiving international awards, scholarships and internships at highly selective industry and national laboratories.

Photo of me presenting my conference paper on preliminary research of CHRIP at the 2018 ASME IMECE conference. My research was selected to be published and presented at the conference as apart of the ASME Young Engineers Paper contest, of which I was a selected as a finalist and received a best paper award.

Team photo!

Touring the UW Data Center!

Working on CHIRP!